In the fast-paced world of same-day deliveries, ensuring efficiency and minimising costs is crucial. Courier companies are constantly seeking ways to optimise their services, particularly when dealing with urgent and time-sensitive deliveries. One method to achieve this is by offering empty leg deliveries – a concept borrowed from the private jet industry, but equally applicable to courier services, especially when transporting goods across vast distances.

At courier companies such as ourselves, we understand the importance of maximising vehicle utilisation, and empty leg deliveries allow us to provide cost-effective solutions for clients while ensuring that our vans and trucks are constantly on the move, never wasting a return journey. This article explores what empty leg delivery entails, its benefits for both the courier industry and clients, and the operational considerations involved.

Understanding Empty Leg Deliveries

What is an Empty Leg Delivery?

Empty leg deliveries refer to the return journey of a courier vehicle after completing a delivery, during which the vehicle would ordinarily travel back to its base or another location without carrying any goods. These return trips can be unprofitable if the vehicle is empty, which is why many courier companies offer these journeys at a reduced rate. The concept is simple: rather than allowing vehicles to return empty, they are made available for other clients who require a delivery along the same route.

Why Do Empty Leg Deliveries Occur?

Empty leg deliveries usually arise from one-way bookings. For example, a van might be hired to transport an urgent package from London to Leeds, but the client only requires the service one way. Without an additional consignment to transport back, the vehicle would return to its base, often in London, empty. To avoid this inefficiency, courier companies offer the empty leg at a discounted rate, providing a cost-saving opportunity for those needing deliveries on the same or a similar route.

Key Advantages of Empty Leg Deliveries

The concept of empty leg deliveries is beneficial for both the courier company and the customer. Here are some of the main advantages:

  • Cost-Effective Deliveries
    One of the most significant advantages of empty leg deliveries is the cost-saving potential. Since the vehicle would otherwise return empty, courier companies are often willing to offer a significant discount to cover fuel and operational costs, even at a lower margin. For clients, this means access to reduced rates, making same-day delivery services more affordable, particularly for urgent or bulk shipments.
  • Efficient Vehicle Utilisation
    Empty leg deliveries help courier companies, like ourselves, maintain high levels of efficiency. With every leg of a journey utilised, vehicles are less likely to make unproductive trips, which not only saves on fuel and wear-and-tear but also maximises profitability. This efficient use of resources is especially valuable when operating in regions with a high demand for delivery services, such as routes between major cities.
  • Eco-Friendly Transportation
    With increasing awareness of environmental concerns, empty leg deliveries offer an opportunity to reduce a courier company’s carbon footprint. By ensuring that vehicles are full on both legs of a journey, fewer trips are made, which directly translates to a reduction in emissions. For environmentally conscious customers, this can be a compelling reason to opt for an empty leg service.
  • Flexibility for Last-Minute Shipments
    For clients who need to ship goods quickly but at a lower cost, empty leg deliveries provide an ideal solution. While the timing and route may be less flexible than a standard booking, the lower price often makes up for this. Many clients, particularly those with non-time-sensitive goods, find this an attractive option as it allows them to take advantage of the available space at a fraction of the usual cost.
  • Operational Considerations for Empty Leg Deliveries
    While empty leg deliveries offer numerous benefits, there are operational challenges that both courier companies and clients must consider.
  • Unpredictability of Availability
    One of the main challenges of empty leg deliveries is the unpredictability of when and where they will be available. Since these trips depend on previous bookings, they are not guaranteed to be available on specific routes or at specific times. Clients who want to take advantage of empty leg deliveries need to be flexible with their schedules and ready to act quickly when an opportunity arises.
  • Limited Destinations and Routes
    Empty leg deliveries are inherently tied to the route the vehicle must travel on its return journey. This means that clients may not have access to their preferred destination or collection point. For example, if a van is returning from Leeds to London, a client in Sheffield may be able to benefit from an empty leg service, but a client in Manchester would not. As a result, courier companies often focus on promoting empty leg deliveries along popular routes, such as those between major cities and transport hubs.
  • Dynamic Pricing
    Just like in the aviation industry, the pricing for empty leg deliveries can be dynamic and may vary significantly depending on demand. Some routes may offer steeper discounts than others, and clients who are flexible with their delivery dates may be able to negotiate even lower rates. Courier companies, such as ourselves, regularly update available empty leg routes to notify clients, who can sign up for notifications or check the website for updates.

Major Routes for Empty Leg Deliveries

Our operations span many regions of the UK, but certain routes naturally lend themselves to empty leg deliveries due to high demand for same-day services. The London to Leeds corridor, for example, is one of the most popular routes for deliveries, as it connects the capital with key industrial and commercial hubs in the Midlands and the North of England.

Other routes that frequently feature empty leg opportunities include deliveries to and from cities along the M1 motorway, such as Sheffield, Nottingham, Leicester, and Northampton. Northamptonshire, in particular, is a central location for many courier companies, acting as a hub for vehicles travelling between London and northern cities. Its strategic position makes it an ideal spot for managing empty leg deliveries.

How Clients Can Benefit from Empty Leg Deliveries

Clients looking to benefit from empty leg deliveries should keep the following tips in mind:

  • Stay Flexible with Timing and Location
    Since empty leg deliveries are tied to pre-existing journeys, clients should be prepared to adjust their schedules. Those who can accommodate a less precise delivery window will have a higher chance of securing an empty leg at a discounted rate.
  • Be Prepared to Act Quickly
    Due to the nature of empty leg deliveries, they are often booked quickly, especially on popular routes. Clients who are ready to confirm a booking as soon as it becomes available will have a better chance of securing these services.
  • Consider Group Shipments
    For businesses with multiple deliveries or shipments that are not urgently time-sensitive, grouping deliveries to match empty leg routes can provide significant savings. Rather than booking individual trips, clients can consolidate their deliveries to align with available empty legs, thereby reducing overall costs.

The Future of Empty Leg Deliveries

As courier companies continue to evolve and adapt to changing market demands, the concept of empty leg deliveries will play an increasingly important role in the logistics industry. With growing pressures to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and reduce environmental impact, empty leg deliveries offer a practical solution to many of the challenges faced by modern courier companies.

We are committed to exploring innovative ways to improve our service offerings while keeping costs down for our clients. By promoting the use of empty leg deliveries, we can ensure that our vehicles are always fully utilised, benefiting both our business and our customers.


Empty leg deliveries represent a smart, cost-effective solution in the courier industry, offering clients reduced rates on return journeys and helping courier companies maximise vehicle efficiency. While there are challenges associated with availability and flexibility, clients who are prepared to take advantage of these opportunities can benefit from significant savings. We are proud to offer empty leg deliveries as part of our commitment to providing efficient, reliable, and affordable same-day delivery services across the UK. Whether you’re shipping an urgent package or arranging bulk deliveries, empty leg services can be a great way to meet your logistics needs while keeping costs down.